Archives Unbound:
British and European History

Archives Unbound: British and European History

This collection provides opportunities for an interdisciplinary examination of historical events in the United Kingdom and Europe. Included are US classified country reports, newspapers, pamphlets, propaganda, and many other primary sources that give insight on specific regional changes during and after the war.


Actes royaux français, 1256-1794 (French Royal Acts, 1256-1794) - Approximately 16,000 pamphlets covering this important period in French history are available in this collection. One of the largest collections of its kind, it offers a wealth of information on the legislative history and governance of France, as well as other aspects of French life.

Indochina, France, and the Viet Minh War, 1945-1954: Records of the U.S. State Department, Part 1: 1945-1949 - Comprising records of the State Department’s Central Classified Files, this collection contains records relating to the internal affairs of Indochina, during the period 1945-49. The records include instructions sent to and correspondence received by the State Department; the State Department's internal documentation, as well as correspondence between the Department and other federal departments and agencies, Congress, and private individuals and organizations; telegrams, airgrams, instructions, inquiries, studies, memoranda, situation reports, translations, special reports, plans, and official and unofficial correspondence.

Journaux de la Révolution de 1848 (Newspapers of the French Revolution 1848) - The revolution of 1848 caused the final collapse of the monarchy in France, and in the power vacuum that followed a range of competing voices sought to control the future direction of the country. The social and political upheavals of this period are richly detailed in this unique collection of newspapers and periodicals – an essential resource for understanding modern European history.

L’Affaire Dreyfus: son influence dans la création de la France moderne (The Dreyfus Affair in the Making of Modern France) - 1894. Alfred Dreyfus, un officier français juif, est accusé de trahison et condamné à perpétuité. En dépit de preuves accablantes de la culpabilité d’un autre officier, l’Armée continuera à étouffer l’erreur judiciaire jusqu’à la libération de Dreyfus en 1906. L’"affaire Dreyfus", qui devint le scandale politique le plus marquant de son époque, divisa la France et révéla l’antisémitisme virulent sévissant en Europe.

La France pendant la guerre 1939-1945: Résistance et journaux de Vichy (Voices from Wartime France 1939-1945: Clandestine Resistance and Vichy Newspapers) - Providing perspectives from both the Vichy government and the resistance movement, this unique collection constitutes the sum of the French press that reached Britain during the Occupation of 1940-44. It is the record of what was known by the British about the hearts and minds of the French people at the most dramatic period of their shared history.

Mercure de France, 1672-1810 - Published from 1672, this influential periodical promised in its first issue to chronicle the activities of luminaries in metropolitan Paris, in the French provinces, and abroad, and to offer good literature to lovers of novels and stories. It was published first under the title Le Mercure Galant by Donneau de Vise. Upon his death it was taken over by Riviere Dufresny (1710), then Lefevre de Fontenay (1714), and Abbot Bucher. In 1724 the title was changed to Le Mercure de France, and the periodical was split into a literary and a political section.