Archives Unbound:
British and European History

Archives Unbound: British and European History

This collection provides opportunities for an interdisciplinary examination of historical events in the United Kingdom and Europe. Included are US classified country reports, newspapers, pamphlets, propaganda, and many other primary sources that give insight on specific regional changes during and after the war.


The American Occupation in Germany, 1918–1923 - Prepared by Headquarters, American Forces in Germany. The American Occupation in Germany reproduces two sets of reports that give a complete account of the American military government in occupied Germany during the five years following World War I. The first set of reports covers events from the arrival of U.S. occupation forces in Coblenz until the emergence of the Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission in January 1920. The second set gives a narrative account of events from 1920 to 1923 — the ratification of the Versailles Treaty, the Kapp Putsch, the imposition of sanctions and the final withdrawal of the last American occupation forces.

Essays by German Officers and Officials - At the end of World War II, a joint United States and British naval intelligence party seized the Marinearchiv (German Naval Archives) at Tambach Castle. This discovery, which included military records from as far back as 1805, prompted one of the most massive microfilming projects of military records in history. Many of the documents, now held by the National Archives, concern the administration and military strategies of the Third Reich. In order to place these primary sources in their historical context, two parallel projects took place: 1) the translation of important naval documents (including the translation of the Seekriegsleitung diaries and the Fuhrer Conferences on Naval Matters) and 2) a study program by former German officers of various aspects of World War II. This publication is a combination of essays written after the war and during the war, including transcripts of speeches, personal accounts of wartime experiences, and research and development reports.

George H. W. Bush and Foreign Affairs: Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Reunification of Germany - When East Germany opened its borders and Germans tore down the Berlin Wall separating East and West Berlin in early November 1989, it marked a symbolic end to Communist rule in Eastern Europe. In the minds of many, the Cold War was over. This collection provides an in-depth analysis of the events leading up to the fall of the Berlin Wall and its implications for U.S.-German relations. Documents include 1999-0393-F: Records of Memcons and Telcons between President Bush and Helmut Kohl concerning the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Reunification of Germany; and FOIA 2001-1166-F: Records on the Fall of the Berlin Wall and German Unification.

German Folklore and Popular Culture: Das Kloster. Scheible. - Germany is a land of fascinating customs and traditions. Through the work of the many authors, its folk and fairy tales have become widely read around the world. German folklore has also inspired numerous literary, artistic, and musical works. This collection is an accessible introduction to German folklore. It provides numerous examples of German folkways and presents a wide-ranging selection of texts. This collection provides insight into the pervasive influence of German folklore on literature and popular culture. Das Kloster is a collection of magical and occult texts, chapbooks, folklore, popular superstition, and fairy tales of the German Renaissance compiled by Stuttgart antiquarian Johann Scheible, between 1845 and 1849.

German Foreign Relations and Military Activities in China, 1919-1935 - This collection provides documentation on Germany’s relations with China during the interwar period. Germany was instrumental in modernizing China’s industrial base and provided a military training mission and equipment for the armed forces of the Republic of China before the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Records of the U.S. State Department: East Germany and Berlin, Political and Governmental Affairs, February 1963–1966, Subject-Numeric File POL - The documents reproduced in this publication are from the Records of the Department of State, in the custody of the National Archives of the United States. This publication consists of documents comprising RG 59: Records of the Department of State, Central Subject Files, East Germany and Berlin, POL subject category for the years 1963 through 1966.