Archives Unbound:
British and European History

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===Subject Collections===
African American Studies
African Studies
American Studies
Asian Studies
British and European History
   ➡  Central Europe
   ➡  Colonialism
   ➡  Eastern Europe
   ➡  European Military History
   ➡  France
   ➡  Germany
   ➡  Ireland
   ➡  Northern Europe
   ➡  Russia/USSR
   ➡  Southeastern Europe
   ➡  United Kingdom
Business and Economic History
Cultural Studies
Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies
Health and Environmental Studies
Holocaust Studies
International Relations
Latin American & Caribbean Studies
Law, Politics, and Radical Studies
Middle Eastern Studies
Native American Studies
Religious Studies
Archives Unbound: British and European History

This collection provides opportunities for an interdisciplinary examination of historical events in the United Kingdom and Europe. Included are US classified country reports, newspapers, pamphlets, propaganda, and many other primary sources that give insight on specific regional changes during and after the war.

Southeastern Europe

Albania: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1945-1963 - Albania established a Communist regime and a one-party system under Yugoslav and Soviet guidance. The People's Republic of Albania declared in January 1946, was led by Enver Hoxha (1908-1985), Stalin’s disciple, who served as party general secretary, prime minister, and commander in chief. The documents here are sourced from the Central Files of the General Records of the Department of State. The records are under the jurisdiction of the Legislative and Diplomatic Branch of the Civil Archives, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.

Bulgaria: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1945-1949 - The documents in this collection are primarily instructions to and dispatches from U.S. diplomatic and consular staff regarding political, economic, military, social, and other internal correspondences and events in Bulgaria. Documents also include reports and memoranda prepared by the U.S. State Department staff, communications between the State Department and foreign governments, and correspondence with other departments in the U.S. government, private firms, and individuals.

Bulgaria: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1950-1954 - The documents in this collection are primarily instructions to and dispatches from U.S. diplomatic and consular staff regarding political, economic, military, social, and other internal correspondences and events in Bulgaria. Documents also include reports and memoranda prepared by the U.S. State Department staff, communications between the State Department and foreign governments, and correspondence with other departments in the U.S. government, private firms, and individuals.

Democracy in Turkey, 1950-1959: Records of the U.S. State Department Classified Files - This collection of State Department documents provides access to unique primary source materials on the political, economic, and social development of Turkey during a period of democratization in the 1950s.

Greece: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1950-1963 - This archive focuses on Greece in the Cold War era in the aftermath of the Greek Civil War, which took a heavy toll, in the late 1940s. The collection is sourced from the Central Files of the General Records of the Department of State. The records are under the jurisdiction of the Legislative and Diplomatic Branch of the Civil Archives, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.

Turkey, Greece, and the Balkan States: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1944 - The documents in this collection on Turkey, Greece, and the Balkans are sourced from the Central Files of the General Records of the Department of State. The records are under the jurisdiction of the Legislative and Diplomatic Branch of the Civil Archives, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C. Contained here is the Greco-Turkish Convention signed at Ankara, 10 June 1930. Most of the archive is in French and Turkish.

Turkey: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1802-1949 - Modern Turkey, from its late Ottoman roots in the early 19th-century to its emergence as a republic following the First World War, is traced here. Correspondences from U.S. Consults in Alexandretta, Erzurum, Harput, Siva, and Smyrna are included. This archive is sourced from the Central Files of the General Records of the Department of State. The records are under the jurisdiction of the Legislative and Diplomatic Branch of the Civil Archives, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.