Gale Databases:
Gale OneFile: Health and Wellness

Gale OneFile: Health and Wellness

Authoritative, up-to-date information on health topics
With health information carefully compiled by trusted professionals, Gale Health and Wellness offers access to thousands of full-text medical journals, periodicals, reference works and multimedia. Ideal for researchers at all levels, this comprehensive consumer health resource provides authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices.

An updated, easy-to-navigate interface featuring quick links to hot topics, conditions, diseases and overviews.

More than 1,000 medical journals, periodicals, and articles from more than 2,200 general-interest publications, medical newspapers, newsletters and news feeds
A broad collection of full-text reference works including The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery and Medical Tests, The Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, The Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer, Medical Health Information Directory, The Medical and Health Information Directory and various Thomson Healthcare and Micromedex drug guides
Hundreds of streaming videos with transcripts from medical experts via Healthology, Illumistream, NBC and ORLive. Links to trusted health Web sites.