Gale In Context: Environmental Studies

An Interdisciplinary Resource Supporting Sustainability and Environmental Studies

Focussing on the interdisciplinary study of sustainability and the environment, Gale In Context: Environmental Studies provides a wealth of authoritative content, empowering students and researchers to critically analyse and understand important topics that affect people around the world.

From global warming, to food safety, to health care access, and the impact of economic development on international relations, today's important environmental issues are shaping the global future. Additionally, as green sector jobs increase and companies develop green working environments, this resource becomes increasingly invaluable for business students.

Gale In Context: Environmental Studies provides news, overview information, video, unique commentaries, primary source documents, and statistics in research areas, such as energy systems, healthcare, food, climate change, population, and economic development. Also, users can access directory information to find international organisations in areas of interest.

Updated daily, Gale In Context: Environmental Studies meets student and faculty needs with:

• Resources for coursework in science, international studies, business, law and politics

• Hundreds of English-language international newspapers, magazines and refereed journals

• Content from Gale academic publishing partners including Elsevier and Sage Publications

• Case studies that illustrate environmental efforts in businesses across the world

• Country portals covering more than 160 nations
GREENR is a fantastic database, we trialled it with our MBA cohort this year. They found it both informative and intuitive. The beauty of it was its ease of use and the quality of the information at hand. These are busy people, who want results yesterday, GREENR whilst not a time travelling product certainly lived up to their high expectations. I’ve just placed an order and am quite excited to add it to our portfolio.
— Andrew Holgate, Subject Librarian at Lancaster University Management School, UK