Archives Unbound:
Asian Studies

Archives Unbound: Asian Studies

With extensive coverage of Japan, China, and Korea from 1910 to 1950, this collection supports the study of colonialism, politics, nationalism, military actions, government systems, economics, and even geography of Asia during a critical period of engagement with the Western nations.


Country Intelligence Reports/State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research Reports USSR (1941-1961) - This series consists of reports, studies, and surveys on various topics of interest to the Department of State. The reports vary from short memorandums to detailed, documented studies. The topics range from individual commodities or countries to the economic and political characteristics of whole regions. This collection consists of research and intelligence reports prepared during 1941-1947 on USSR.

The Russian Civil War and American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, 1918-20 - This collection reproduces important letters, reports, memorandums, cablegrams, maps, charts, and other kinds of records relating to the activities of the American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia (hereafter, AEF in Siberia), 1918-20.

United States and the Russian Civil War: The Betty Miller Unterberger Collection of Documents - This collection covers World War I and its immediate aftermath, concentrating on America's role in the Russian Civil War and early relations between the United States and the newly formed Soviet Union. Additional topics include Allied attempts to reopen the Eastern Front after the collapse of Imperial Russia, the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian empire, Allied intervention in Russia, the Czech-Bolshevik conflict, the clash of the United States and Japan in eastern Siberia, and U.S. policy toward Russia at the Paris Peace Conference. This material is the result of decades of research by historian Betty Miller Unterberger, renowned professor of American diplomacy and international history at Texas A&M University and former president of the Society for the History of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR). Consisting of approximately 10,000 documents pulled from over 50 repositories around the world, including the former Soviet Union, most of this collection is in English, with 80 percent of the foreign-language materials having been translated or accompanied by English-language abstracts. Much of this material has never been published before, and the opening of the Russian and Czech Archives in the early 1990s resulted in significant additions to this collection. Each document is preceded by a control sheet produced by Professor Unterberger listing the sender, recipient, date, repository, and a brief description.

World War I and Revolution in Russia, 1914-1918 - This collection documents the Russian entrance into World War I and culminates in reporting on the Revolution in Russia in 1917 and 1918. The documents consist primarily of correspondence between the British Foreign Office, various British missions, and consulates in the Russian Empire and the Tsarist government and later the Provisional Government.